Brandy Alexander Cocktail

Brandy Alexander with Fresh Grated Nutmeg
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My First πŸ’˜πŸ’•πŸ˜‹Love….

One of my very first drinks in a bar fancy cocktail lounge, ever, was a Brandy Alexander Cocktail.  I don’t remember who suggested it, but once I tried one, that was it for me!  A Brandy Alexander Cocktail is basically a sweet and creamy chocolate milkshake, boozed up a tad bit.   It was my go-to whenever I was out for a special occasion.  I think it’s time I shared this recipe and let you all in on how easy it is to make and how amazing it tastes.  If you’re not into baking, but you’d like to serve a sinfully delicious dessert, I suggest you give this cocktail a whirl. 


Brandy Alexander
Brandy Alexander Cocktail

Over Sharing?

As I start to share the stories of my mostly misspent youth, I begin to notice a theme.  I have a lot of drinking stories.  I’m going to continue spinning these yarns and to tell myself that this is pretty typical.    Hmmm, that or perhaps I need a 12 step program.  Anyway, here goes!

On the theme of favorite cocktails (and “cock-tales”) from my younger days.  I love this one!  My parents, brother, sister and I were attending a wedding of one of my sisters good friends.  It was at a local restaurant, perched up in the hills, with a beautiful view.  You know the type of wedding, a pretty outside ceremony, a band or DJ played inside after the ceremony.  Then, to the buffet line inside.  A lovely old style dark wood paneled bar with a gorgeous view of the valley below.  

Are You Talking To Me?🀫

Well naturally, my dad and I made it to the bar to order a drink, together.  I had just turned 21, so in the eyes of the law, I had just barely made it to drinking age.  Well, the bartender greeted me with a hello!  As if we’d either been the best of friends or I’d been spending half my days and most of my nights sitting on the bar stool at that very restaurant.  I turned to look at my dad  with that guilty, who me?  Are you talking to me? look as I shrugged my shoulders towards my dad, with that I don’t know what this guy is talking about.  I wonder what my dad was thinking!  (PS, I didn’t know him, honestly!  But I probably ordered a Brandy Alexander Cocktail.)

The Brandy Alexander Cocktail Recipe

Into a cocktail shaker filled 1/2 way with ice, add the brandy, creme de cacao and the cream. Shake vigorously for 30 seconds, strain into a cocktail glass. Top with a tiny bit of freshly grated nutmeg.

To make a milk-shake like drink, add the ingredients to a blender with about 5 ice cubes and blend on high for 20-30 seconds.  Serve in a cocktail glass with nutmeg garnish.  Cheers!

Brandy Alexander garnished with freshly grated nutmeg
Brandy Alexander garnished with freshly grated nutmeg

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